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Practice Areas

Family Fun in Field
Family Law

Family law covers a broad range of issues.  We help people who are going through life transitions when a relationship ends  including divorce, custody, and support.  We also prepare pre-nuptial agreements  for people who are planning to get married and want to determine what will happen if they do not live happily ever after, or in the case of a second marriage want to protect their children from a previous relationship.   On the happy side of family law, we do adoptions and on the unhappy side of family law, we handle protection from abuse and domestic violence issues.  



Adoptions are one of the happiest areas of the law.  Our experienced attorneys can guide you through the adoption process whether it is a private adoption or being done through an agency.  We handle adoptions for step-parents and second parent adoptions for same sex couples.   We can help negotiate and draft Post Adoption Contact Agreements (PACA).

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Assisted Reproductive Technology Law

Assisted Reproductive Technology ("ART") is an evolving area of the law.  We are here to help your family navigate all aspects of growing your family including Sperm Donor Agreements, Egg Donor Agreements, and Gestational Carrier Agreements.   We offer all services connected to ART, including Estate Planning to insure that your wishes are carried out regarding embryo creation and custody.

Family at a Beach
Parenting Coordination

Parenting coordination can help parents with high conflict custody issues resolve those issues without going to court.  It can save time and money to use a parenting coordinator.  A parenting coordinator, who is a specially trained attorney appointed by the court, hears both sides of the disputes from the parents and after careful examination, makes a determination for them that is submitted to the court for final approval.  The parents split the cost of the parenting coordinator.  

Signing a Contract
Wills and Estates

We offer preparation of wills and other estate documents, including powers of attorney, advance directives, and  health care powers of attorney.

In the event of the death of a loved one, we offer help with the process of probate.

Image by Wesley Mc Lachlan
Criminal Law

Our criminal defense practice includes misdemeanor, felony, DUI/DWI, traffic violations, drug offenses, summary offenses, and expungements throughout the Montgomery, Bucks, and Philadelphia areas. Our criminal defense team features a former prosecutor with excellent relationships with local law enforcement.​  We know firsthand how police officers and district attorneys put together cases. We used to be in their shoes. We have the playbook. Now we use this insider knowledge to your advantage in fighting your criminal charges.

Suburb Family Home
Transactional Law

For home purchasers, a real estate transaction is usually the most expensive purchase you will ever make.  You should be protected from the time you draft an Agreement of Sale and offer to purchase the residence.  For home sellers, you should know what you are signing and what you risks are in signing the Agreement.  The cost of an attorney is cheap compared to what can happen without one.

© 2024 Bloom Peters, LLC Divorce Custody Adoption Wills Probate Attorneys

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